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Be the Leader

Horses have our back. There are countless stories of how they heal the human heart…everyday. But, how do we show horses and other animals that we have their back? That we are there for them? I am an animal communicator and animals tell me how much they love it when their human is present to them--connecting and playing with them. They love us, but sometimes they don't respect us!!! Does that sound crazy? Read on!

Horses defer to humans when they step up to the leadership role. The world can be spooky for them, after all, they are prey animals and a lion may leap out of the ditch at any moment! (I had a horse that learned to trust that ditches were safe). Think about the fact that their eyes are on the side of their head. They can't see anything coming from the front. Our role is to be neutral and observe anything that could spook them based on your experience with them and help them overcome their fear. Become the calm leader they want to trust (even if you need to take a few deep breaths to calm yourself). The act of stepping up on their behalf, and not forcing action, makes them trust that you are looking out for them.

I watched two excellent trainers at the MN Horse Expo in May demonstrate how to show leadership. One used “distractions” in the audience, citing a man in a shiny wheelchair on the aisle. The other created “distractions” by shaking a garbage bag that the horse was afraid of initially. One trainer yelled “STOP” at the distraction. The act of yelling reminded me of a lead stallion stamping the ground and taking charge. The trainer with the garbage bag was neutral, but persistent in demonstrating that the rustling sound and the bag itself were nothing to be afraid of. The best advice offered was, when your horse presents its rump to you, simply put your hand on it, and say, “I've got your back.” The energy of the arena collectively sighed into the possibility of it. It was apparent that we all could use that reassurance.

Show Them and Tell Them

The Soul Lessons that I deliver as part of my animal communication readings reveal what your animal is working on with you. I hear lessons such as: “Speak up,” “Be confident,” “Take time to play,” just to name a few. These phrases come directly from the animal. They are asking their human companion to be a leader in their own life! I think we should lean into these lessons by being our best self around all animals. Respect them. Comfort them. Explain about the garbage bag they hate. Shout at the mailbox with the red flag. You will know what to do.

Go ahead, tell them; say it out loud,

"I've got your back!!!"

Interested in learning the Soul Lesson your animal is working on with you? Book a reading with me!

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Fia Has a Goal! The cat I adopted 3-1/2 years ago has opened my mind to allowing animals to become their best selves. Our connection started with aloof detachment and grew into a deep trusting bond as I became a Soul Level Animal Communicator®. My role used to be the food provider and the service person that tossed balls to chase. Now I am her trusted companion who delights at accommodating her whims as directed.

Fia was distinctive as she lounged in her cube at Angel of Hope Rescue. She had the presence of an Empress. She held her head high; she was above antics to get attention. Her description said she was still working on her personal best for playing. Wow! A cat with goals! An Empress! I was so smitten; I took her home after holding her squirming body for only five seconds.

She Made a Vow It didn’t take long to discover that she had made a vow to always be in control. Like every other cat, you say! Not so fast! This one had BIG energy. She was playing harder, rougher, and had more stamina than any animal alive. At 14 months old she was a cat/puppy. She chewed and destroyed blankets, sheets, socks and more. I realized that her vow to be in charge had turned her into a force of nature. Frankly, I began to wonder if I was enough for her. Did she need something I couldn't provide? Her discontent saddened me. And then, the worst thing happened.

I Went on Vacation and So Did She!! Yikes!! I started packing for a kayak trip in Alaska. Two days before my departure, Fia pushed the screen out of a second story window, and made an escape. I was crazy with worry that I would never see her again!! Seven days into my trip I had a feeling of relief and my intuition told me that she was safe. As it turned out, that very day she approached a woman, who took her to the local animal pound. SHE WAS SAFE and even from Alaska I felt a change in her! (Animals don't have to be present for a reading with an animal communicator).

Fia Taught Me to Be Aware and Respect Her Wishes I have rescued Fia twice--once from animal rescue and the second time from the local pound after her “vacation” near coyote territory. When she came home, she was a different cat. I had proven myself as her rescuer and she was now willing to work with me.

I learned to watch and listen. Sometimes she told me things, but mostly she used her teeth to stop an unwanted advance. I learned to respect when she welcomed attention and when it was time to let her be. And you know what? She stopped chewing and being destructive! My awareness and respect for her has reaped huge benefits. While she is still The Empress in control, I now feel her contentment. It makes me smile to know that I am the rescued one.

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Sharell Benson

Updated: Feb 8, 2022

At the Horse Crazy Market in December, I had several delightful conversations about the wisdom of horses. We agreed that horses knew what each person needed from them. Horses were gentle and patient with children and inexperienced horse lovers. They could act rambunctious and sassy with an experienced equestrian. We wondered how they could be so good at sizing us up. What sensor were the horses using to read us?

My shetland pony, Flicka, was a little trickster, and unseated me with purpose. But she always stood waiting for me to dust myself off and get back on again. She helped me change fear into determination. Then determination into passion for riding. She had a knowing twinkle in her eye and a sassy countenance. As I remember all the lessons I learned from her, I recall how she changed my energy to align with her fearlessness. She knew what I was lacking and showed me how to be in companionship, be trustworthy and ride with abandon. Our relationship built with tiny steps from fear to best friends forever.

The magic of horses. Once they bridle us, we are theirs forever. They are our path-finders and confidantes. They carry us and our burdens, too. Their lesson is so simple--lead with a big open heart, view the world with soft kind eyes and be a good listener. They guide us without us knowing that they are the ones in charge...not us.

"Once they bridle us, we are theirs forever."

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