Do you feel anxiety about being away from your animals for a few days? I know, I do. I read a tip a few years ago, long before I dreamed of becoming a certified animal communicator. The knowledge has served me and my animals well over the years. They are excited to see me when I return, and not emotional or upset. Easy 4 Step Process Let's say you plan to be away from your animals for 10 days. 1) Imagine that you are gathering them all together (physically or in your head). 2) Tell them how many "sleeps" you will be gone. 3) Hold up your fingers and show them how many days/sleeps you will be away. 4) Now show them by holding up a finger for each day and physically shutting your eyes to demonstrate the number of sleeps. That's it! Your kids will love helping! Why does it work? You have just sent them pictures to show them the number of sleeps. Animals have told me that they understand "sleeps" and are okay with their human being away (as long as they know that you will be returning). I also hang a calendar on the wall near my parrot with the "sleeps" blocked out. Why Are They Okay with Your Absence? Animals like it anytime your energy is calm and feels light---the feeling of coming back from a fun vacation. Leave special treats and tell your sitter about any preferences to optimize their visit with your animal. My cat goes crazy over brushing, so all the photos of the daily visit are of my cat enjoying being brushed. I love that she is sooo happy in my absence. Tell Your Animal When You Are on Your Way Home! Think of them and then say the words silently, "I am on my way back to you! I will be home in x hours." I tell my cat and bird that I am going to the grocery store and will be home in an hour. Make it a habit!
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